seven injured in strikes against Ukraine border region

New attacks. Seven people, including a child, were injured in Ukrainian strikes targeting the Belgorod region, bordering Ukraine, on Monday June 19, the regional governor reported on Telegram. Bombings and drone attacks have increased in recent weeks in the Russian regions bordering Ukraine and in Crimea, against the backdrop of a Ukrainian counter-offensive. Follow our live.

. The UN accuses Moscow of blocking humanitarian aid. The United Nations humanitarian coordinator in Ukraine has accused Russia of obstructing the delivery of aid to victims of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in areas under Moscow control in southern Ukraine.

The balance sheets are getting heavier. Since Saturday, authorities in areas controlled by the Russians have now reported 29 dead, following the destruction of the Kakhovka dam. In the part remaining under the authority of Ukraine, the toll has also worsened, kyiv speaking of 16 dead and 31 missing.

Less water in flooded areas. In the Kherson region, submerged by the floods of the Dnipro river after the destruction of the Kakhovka dam, the water level fell, reaching one meter, underlined Ukrainian Interior Ministry on Telegram. The latter also announces the evacuation of nearly 2,800 people in flooded areas controlled by Ukraine.

Zelensky thanks the soldiers. On the occasion of Father’s Day, Ukrainian President on Sunday sent his thanks to all the soldiers “strong and brave” who are fighting the Russian invasion, hoping that they can all return from the front one day. “Thank you to every Ukrainian father, to every Ukrainian family for your strong and brave soldiers who defended the independence of Ukraine and fight for the life of Ukraine!”he said on social media.

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