Video length: 5 min.
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Going to Mars, a childhood dream for seven students from Supaéro Toulouse, the school that trained Thomas Pesquet. They have just had a unique experience in the Utah desert. Cut off from the world, they simulated life on the red planet.
Cloistered for a month
Space is not yet for now. We are on Earth, in the desert of Utah, in the United States. These engineers are doing a simulation mission in this base of the Mars Society, a scientific organization that promotes the exploration of the red planet. Here, everything is reconstructed as close as possible to what a real Martian mission would be.
They are seven, two girls and five boys, engineers, students or graduates of Supaéro in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), to live here, cloistered for a month. It will still take time before the dream of treading the red planet becomes a reality.