Find here all of our live #UKRAINE
09:09 : It is 9 a.m., here is the point on the news:
• Seven civilians were killed yesterday in Bakhmout, announces the governor. This city has been the scene for months of intense fighting with the Russian army. Follow our live.
• Three times no. The motions of censure of the Nupes and the RN were largely rejected last night in the Assembly. Notably, the RN voted in favor of one of the two motions of censure of the Nupes, a rapprochement of circumstance denounced this morning by the government.
• Six Palestinians were killed and nearly 20 others injured early this morning in raids by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, mainly in Nablus.
• Alcohol level, safety angle… Franceinfo details the government’s plan to improve hunting safety. It should be official today.
09:09 : At least five people were injured in the explosion of a device in Melitopol. The detonation sounded in front of a building housing a television channel and a radio of the ZaMedia group, specify the local occupation authorities, quoted by the Russian agencies. This city in the Zaporizhia region, which serves as the unofficial capital for Russian forces, is regularly agitated by acts of resistance carried out by Ukrainian partisans.

08:51 : This city has been the scene for months of intense fighting with the Russian army. Three bodies of civilians killed earlier were also discovered in two localities in the region, Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko added on Telegram.
09:10 : Seven civilians were killed yesterday in Bakhmout, in the Donetsk region, the governor announced.
07:28 : German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has arrived in kyiv for a surprise visit. “I look forward to my meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv”he said, according to a text sent by the spokesperson.
06:48 : Ever wonder how Russian cruise missiles find their way into Ukrainian playgrounds, power stations, and apartment buildings? Well thanks to @bellingcat’s @christogrozev wonder no more. It’s time to meet the team behind the targeting of Russian missiles on civilian infrastructure.
07:30 : Who is behind the Russian missile strikes, which hit many civilian infrastructures and left dozens dead? The Bellin investigation sitegcat (in English) claims to have identified around thirty engineers from the Russian army. “He has a hipster beard, he listens to good music. But clearly, he considers killing people a classic job”comments the journalist at the origin of the investigation, who was able to exchange with a member of this unit, of which here is a group photo.
06:15 : On the Russian side, admitting the failure of the invasion would undermine “the mythology of Putinism”, and would expose Vladimir Putin to losing power, explains researcher Julien Thiron. That it will be overthrown remains just as unlikely, however, and “I“alternative to Vladimir Putin would not necessarily be better”, summarizes Olivier Schmitt, because the strongest criticism of the Kremlin comes from supporters of the war. All the scenarios explored in this article lead to the same conclusion: the conflict is likely to last for a long time.
06:15 : If the scenario of a negotiated peace seems improbable to date, it is in particular because the Ukrainian population would not consider it. She increasingly sees this war as part of “of an existential conflict with Russia”, explains researcher Anna Colin-Lebedev. Volodymyr Zelensky, whose popularity is based on his closeness to his people, “no room for error” in his speech.
06:14 : For peace talks to succeed, whatever the conflict, three factors must come together, and none seem to be today, explains researcher Olivier Schmitt. Ukraine can believe in victory, and Russia does not seem to have given up either. In both countries, the internal context does not encourage peace. Finally, kyiv has no reason to believe that Moscow would respect its commitments.
06:14 : Zelensky and Putin sitting at a negotiating table: the image seems unimaginable, but for Emmanuel Macron, it is through a peace agreement that the end of the conflict will necessarily pass, as he repeated on Sunday. After eight months of Russian invasion, however, an escalation seems closer than the end of the conflict. I explored, with several specialists, the different scenarios for the end of this war.
06:11 : The Ukrainian army announced last night that it had driven Russian forces out of four villages in the northeast of the country, where a counter-offensive had already enabled it to retake thousands of square kilometers of territory in September. “Thanks to successful operations, our troops pushed the enemy out of the localities of Karmazynivka, Myasojarivka and Nevské in the Lugansk region and Novosadové in the Donetsk region”said the Ukrainian general staff on Facebook.