Setha (Koh-Lanta 2022) eliminated and unrecognizable: “My daughters were scared…” (EXCLUDED)

In Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem, it’s already time for reunification. The two ambassadors Colin and Louana met to make a crucial decision. Unable to go to the draw, so they sealed the fate of one of the adventurers who remained on the white side. It was Setha who was then eliminated! A surprise departure for the young woman who trusted her yellow comrade Colin. Very disappointed, she who had resisted all the advice thanks in particular to her imaginary immunity necklace must therefore leave the game. In interview for, Setha takes stock of his adventure. Her elimination, why she was constantly in danger, Colin’s harsh words about her attitude in the camp, her reunion with her loved ones and especially her daughters… She gives herself up.

How did you experience your elimination?

I experienced this departure very, very badly because I really did not expect it. I took it as a form of betrayal. I felt disappointment, frustration, sadness. And that’s already a lot. When Colin and Louana come back, I can see that they are upset so I suspect that someone is going to be eliminated. I thought it would be Maxime. Except that at one point Louana looked up, her gaze met mine and she quickly lowered her eyes. I thought it didn’t smell good. Then when Colin confirmed, it was a cold shower. A real blow. He left confident, I didn’t think he would give a name.

Facing Louana, he evokes the elimination of Alexandra… Do you understand this argument to eliminate you?

No, I do not understand. Knowing that I was not the only one who voted against Alexandra. And at the same time, that evening, it was played out between her and me. Voting against her was not an individual choice, there were several of us.

You say he”has no words“, “is not a man“…Have you talked to him since?

We met again at the premiere, but there was no explanation. I took it upon myself… Afterwards, there are other adventurers with whom I don’t particularly get along. But there is no animosity. I don’t hate anyone, I’m neutral.

You were in danger from the beginning of the game. How do you explain it?

Very good question ! I don’t really know why… I put myself in danger at the very beginning when Céline was targeted and I pulled the bluff out of the collar. Then my name was proposed in case Celine really had a necklace. But I do not know why. Especially since we had said that we had to keep the strongest elements on the tests. I found myself in the hot seat and I told myself that I was not competent enough. Knowing that there was Stephanie who was not very athletic, why did my name come out? Then among the yellows, we said to ourselves between ex-violets that we had to save ourselves between us. But the strategy did not hold and everyone did it in their own way.

To save yourself, you invent the fake collar. What’s going on in your head?

I am gamer. I said to myself that it was first necessary to adapt my behavior, to show that I was zen and that I did not feel in danger. I had to make them believe and feel that. I remained very serene in my attitude when deep down I was not at all. And it seemed to work.

Why choose to pretend to give it to Yannick?

Because he had two cursed bracelets. I thought it would be hot for him during the reunification council. I know that since the start of the game, Yannick has been trying to protect me. He deserved to go far, I wanted to give him this little gift before leaving.

Colin said you are “not socializing“, “always behind“… What do you think ?

I think it’s a feeling that he got it on his own. I have nothing against Colin, I like him and I’ve never had a problem with him. So it surprised me to see that he said such things to me. To answer, I sometimes isolated myself, going to eat alone at the edge of the beach to contemplate the landscape because I felt the need. But I was not the only one, Olga also did it from time to time and she was never blamed. I don’t understand Colin’s words, I don’t have the same vision as him at all.

What was the hardest for you?

On the camp, the hardest thing to bear was the climate. The humidity, the rain, the cold… It wasn’t easy. Afterwards, the lack of my loved ones I tried not to think about it. I was afraid of going on a bad trip. I have done violence to myself. Whenever someone asked about my private life, I tried to divert the conversation so as not to think too much about my family. I was afraid to give up because I was having a hard time with lack. I wanted to stay focused on the adventure.

What was your first gesture on the way back?

When I got back to Lyon, I immediately ate a Tacos! We have the best in town. We talked a lot more about the camp.

How was the reunion with your loved ones, especially your daughters?

My husband saw that I had lost weight and got a tan. He was surprised and said to me: “You’re tanned red!“He was super happy to find me and very proud to see that I stayed on the adventure for a while. Then we surprised my daughters. We hadn’t told them I was coming back and I hid When I came home from school, they jumped on me. At first they were scared, they barely recognized me. And one of my daughters, the most sensitive, cried.

What do your loved ones think of your journey?

They are surprised. My daughters are happy. And I explained to them that the necklace bluff is a lie but in the game, to save his skin. In reality, you shouldn’t lie like that (laughs). My husband sees that I have succeeded in being a strategist, this is the aspect he feared. He was telling me : “You’re going to be fooled in every way, you’re too nice, not enough strategist!‘ So he’s super proud.

What are your projects ?

I would like to travel with my family, for my daughters to discover their country of origin, Cambodia. My husband is Moroccan, it’s a two hour flight so it’s easier to get to. Cambodia is a bit more complicated. It’s a long trip with a lot of preparation, especially with four children. It’s very expensive too. I would also like to travel around the world. And professionally, I want to grow my company.

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