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In France, the alert remains maximum for bronchiolitis on Tuesday, November 8. In hospitals, the services have the impression of reliving the situations at the height of the Covid pandemic.
A baby, barely a month old and already hospitalized for 15 days in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), could no longer breathe. Victim of bronchiolitis, Rym is doing much better and his parents’ worries have almost disappeared. This year, the bronchiolitis epidemic is early and intense. Every day, between 15 and 20 infants are hospitalized at the Nancy University Hospital (Meurthe-et-Moselle).
The establishment has adapted by opening additional beds and modifying its service. “The service is not a basic bronchiolitis service, it is a post-emergency service. There, it became a bronchiolitis service following the epidemic which is a good month in advance”, testifies Quentin Abscheidt, intern in pediatrics. This hospital is close to saturation, a situation due to the strong epidemic and a lack of staff. According to Cyril Schweitzer, head of the neonatology child unit at Nancy University Hospital, the “next step is to deprogram” children’s operations to free up beds.