Serious lung infection, enormous fatigue … Audrey Lamy at the end of her tether

A good actress in all fields… When in 2009, Audrey Lamy arrived on the screens of the whole of France in Domestic sceneseveryone discovers that beyond being the sister of Alexandra Lamy, the young woman is absolutely hilarious in her character of Marion, thirty-year-old a little head in the air.

Placed immediately on the front of the stage, Audrey Lamy begins to get roles in the cinema and especially plays her show Last before Vegas every evening, with a rhythm that eventually exhausted him. “I started my days at 6:30 in the morning and we shot until 7 p.m. for M6. In the evening, I found myself on the boards to Last before Vegas, my show. I left the stage at 11 p.m. I came home too excited to sleep”she confided to The Team, for the section Windows on body.

His body, overworked, ends up cracking under the pressure and fatigue: “I held this pace for nine months before getting a serious lung infection. I was tired, I didn’t know where I lived. My body was trying to tell me stop.“Audrey Lamy then slows down the pace of her show and arranges her schedule in relation to filming.

But not only: from now on, she takes great care of herself and her body. “I quit smoking, I also quit spicy food, to clear my voice. And, above all, I avoid telephone conversations as much as possible, where you place your voice badly and where you speak too loudly. I do like Celine Dion before a tour: I am completely silent a few days before“, explains the 41-year-old actress to The Team.

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