Laurent Tapie recalls that his family and the Séguéla family have been friends for forty years, and therefore regrets that Tristan Séguéla did not have him read the script for the series, contrary to what he had promised.
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Tristan Seguela “did not keep his word”, regrets Friday, May 26 on franceinfo Laurent Tapie while the son of advertiser Jacques Séguela produced a series for Netflix on Bernard Tapie, a project which the latter had opposed. It is “a betrayal”, says Laurent Tapie. The son of the businessman could not see the series in question. “It is not for lack of having asked Tristan Séguéla, who was at the initiative of the projecthe said. I didn’t see a single line of the script even though it had been agreed between Tristan Séguéla and me that it would be a possibility for us. He didn’t keep his word.”
“The Séguéla family is not just any family, they have been friends of my parents for forty years”
Laurent Tapie, son of Bernard Tapieat franceinfo
The former OM boss refused to allow this series to see the light of day. “It’s about someone who is the son of one of my parents’ best friends. He asks my father: ‘I want to do a series about you, what do you think? ?’ My father answers him very clearly: ‘Really, I don’t want you to do it’ and he does it anyway… He doesn’t care”he estimated. “When it comes from someone who is a friend of yours, you feel a bit like a betrayal”he blurted out. “If someone had to do something about him one day, he wanted it to be me”he confided. “I have a complete two-part film script that has been around for a very long time”he said.