Series. “Les Hautes herbes”, a thriller at the height of a child

Jérôme Bonnell plants his thriller “Les Hautes herbes” like a puzzle in rural France and makes us follow the tragic events through the eyes of a child. The series broadcast on Thursday, January 6 on Arte is already available in full on the platform.

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Vernou-sur-Brenne, in Touraine. A rural town, farmers in financial difficulty, workers on strike, rural policemen, the local café, yellow vests and the strange disappearance of a seasonal worker. This is the starting point of the series Tall grass, this thriller in three episodes with a realistic background available today for free on the Arte platform.

Emmanuelle Devos plays a translator who returns to her land and sets out in search of this missing man. It was this character that interested the actress. This is the third time that Emmanuelle Devos has been touring with Jérôme Bonnell, whose touch reminiscent of Claude Chabrol she likes.

In Tall grass, we meet couples who make mistakes, and also a shy and dumb child whose mother, the victim of a traffic accident, is in a coma. He is the common thread of this whole story. It is through his eyes that the story is told. The series is cloudy, all in delicacy and accuracy, with its hollow painting of France outside the big cities.

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