Sergio Ramos in failure in Paris: the star evokes the “difficult” adaptation for him and his children

It’s one of the craziest transfer windows a club has ever had and yet, looking at it now, it’s a bitter failure. With the arrival of the best player in the world Lionel Messi and a host of other high quality players, Paris Saint-Germain thought they could conquer Europe this year. Among the new arrivals, Sergio Ramos quickly made the supporters of the capital club dream. Considered one of the best defenders in history, the 36-year-old Spaniard was supposed to bring all his knowledge of the game and his experience to a team that lacks it. Unfortunately, nothing went as planned and PSG were quickly eliminated in the Champions League, while the newcomer barely played a game, continuously injured.

A very complicated first season for the husband of Pilar Rubio, who had to leave his Madrid cocoon for a radical change of life in France. An arrival on which he confided for the site of the Parisian club in an interview posted two days ago. He returns in particular to this new environment and recognizes that he and his family had difficulty getting used to it. “Above all at first it was difficult to adapt. I spent many years at another club, we had everything under control, the house, the staff, your team, the four children, the schools”admits the father of four boys, always very present for his family.

It was not easy to make such a big change in a city as spectacular as Paris

Author of only 10 games with his club this year, Sergio Ramos could not influence the results of his club, carried by the talent of Kylian Mbappé. After 16 years in Madrid, the world champion certainly did not think he would have to start a new life abroad. “It was not easy to make such a big change in a city as spectacular as Paris. We struggled to find a home”, adds the Parisian defender. A similarity he shares with Lionel Messi, since the Argentinian also had a lot of trouble finding the ideal accommodation for his family in Paris.

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