Serge Rigal, president of Lot, refuses to “leave elderly people by the wayside”


Video length: 6 min

Immigration law: Serge Rigal, president of Lot, refuses to “leave elderly people by the wayside”

Immigration law: Serge Rigal, president of Lot, refuses to “leave elderly people by the wayside” – (franceinfo)

32 presidents of left-wing departments oppose the reform of the personalized autonomy allowance (APA) provided for by the immigration law. Among them, Serge Rigal, president of Lot. Interview, Thursday December 21, in 12/13 info.

The immigration law provides for a reform of the personalized autonomy allowance (APA). With this reform, the conditions for payment of APA to foreigners in a legal situation will be tightened. 32 presidents of left-wing departments oppose it. Serge Rigal, the president of the Lot, proposed creating a new universal autonomy allowance, which will give exactly the same rights to legally resident foreigners in the Lot impacted by the immigration law. “We will apply the law well, because we have strong republican values ​​in our departments”, he specifies in the 12/13 info, Thursday December 21. “But we will supplement this law with an allowance that we will call, in the Lot, universal, which will allow us to help people who do not fall within the law.”adds Serge Rigal.

Respect elders

“The law is binding on everyone, especially when you are elected”reframed the Minister of the Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, on C News, Thursday. “Our DNA in the departments is solidarity”replies Serge Rigal, who refuses to “leaving elderly people by the wayside”while maintaining : “We will respect the law.” “A society that does not respect its elders is a society that does not respect itself”he adds.

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