Serge Lama suffers too much: the singer decides to stop his career

A well deserved retirement ! Top seller for almost 60 years and performer of cult hits for several generations (The little women of Pigalle, I am sick, From adventure to adventure…), Serge Lama has indeed decided to make time for him nowas he announced this weekend on RTL.

In question ? Health problems, physical pain which have become too heavy to bear. “There is a moment when things stop. You have to know that we are getting old, that my body hurts me a lot, that I have a lot of problems inherent in the passage of time and that therefore there is a moment you have to know how to stop rather than being stopped. So I decided it was over. This is my last album“, he announced, thus explaining that his next opus, which will be released on October 7, will sign the end ofa long road taken when he was only 21 years old.

A difficult decision to make, especially when one is much appreciated by the French, who have always followed him. “There is something that hurts, but at the same time, it is the respect of the public“, he continued. And to add: “I was lucky enough to be able to sing this album already, at almost 80 years old since I was still a man of voice, so it’s complicated to live up to what we have been. So now I think it’s good that this is the last round. It’s over now, I think I won’t think about it anymore because it’s done.”

Born in 1943, Serge Lama represented one of the last singers of his generation after the deaths of Johnny Hallyday and Dick Rivers in particular. Like them, he had been hounded by journalists during his youth and had to hide the existence of his son Frederic, born in 1981, to protect him from media coverage. Remained married to Michèle Pottier, the mother of his son, until his death in 2016, the singer had rebuilt his life with a young fan, Luana, from 2002.

Having become his collaborator, the one who is now in her forties married the singer last year, a significant ceremony. “Luana knows the things that suit me. We learned from each other, for the best…and the best“, he had explained.

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