Serge Gainsbourg, his love pact with Lise Levitzky: “There was blood everywhere, it was disgusting”

Serge Gainsbourg. This is a name that summons up a myriad of memories for an entire generation… If the singer, who died in March 1991, left behind him an unforgettable work and legendary feats, the general public also remembers his personal life. how rich! Especially with women.

In 1951, Lucien Ginsburg, known as Serge Gainsbourg, married his partner, the Russian artist-painter Lise Levitzky, whom he had met at an academy in Montmartre. A marriage that will end in 1957 even if, according to the ex-wife of the artist, the romance would have briefly resumed in the 1960s, a decade during which he will also have a little story with Brigitte Bardot. Lise Levitzky even assures that the tube Eliza was written initially for her, then continued for Jane Birkin… Guest of the show We are not in bed in 2010, to promote his book titled Lisa and Lulushe then had the opportunity to return to their chaotic love story.

She said that at the time, they had made two pacts of love! “The first pact is when we decided that we had the experience and that we were good together so we were going to stay together but without getting married. We went to Chartres to the cathedral, rue Daru (in the 8th arrondissement of Paris) at the Orthodoxes and to the synagogue rue Copernic (in the 16th arrondissement). And there we made oaths, we were very romantic“, she said then.

Then, after their divorce, the ex-couple decides to redo a pact for “to celebrate” that ! “We bought some champagne, we went to the hotel and, at some point, we had had a little to drink and he broke the empty bottle. We slashed the palm of our hands to mix our blood. There was blood everywhere, it was disgusting“, she recounted.

He forces me to put away my brushes

Lise Levitzky didn’t want to get married – she’ll show up dressed in black when the day comes! – but she had yielded to the insistent request of Serge Gainsbourg. She had already had the opportunity to come back to her story with the singer with Paris Match and she did not mince words against the interpreter of Javanese…

On paper, our union lasts six years. In reality, it comes undone barely celebrated. I earn my living but, as a married woman, I am now obliged to request authorization to open a bank account. There is nothing left of the independent woman that I was, of the free couple that we formed, or even of our passion for painting. Besides, he forces me to put away my brushes. He hasn’t touched his family for a long time. He goes out every night and sleeps more and more often with his mother. Finally, we decide to separate.

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