Serbia and Kosovo reach agreement on freedom of movement, one of the points at the origin of recent tensions

In July, the Serb minority in Kosovo erected barricades to protest against two decisions by Pristina. The second point of disagreement, which relates to license plates, is not resolved.

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A first step towards relaxation in a highly flammable region. Serbia and Kosovo have concluded “an agreement on freedom of movement” between the two countries, Saturday August 27, announced the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell. It resolves one of the two points of disagreement at the origin of a rise in tension on the border between the two countries.

In this agreement, Kosovo renounces to introduce residence permits for people entering the country with a Serbian identity card, according to Josep Borrell. In exchange, Serbia agrees to abolish the residence permit required of holders of a Kosovar identity card. The European Union, of which the two countries are not members, led the negotiations.

The independence of Kosovo, proclaimed in 2008, is not recognized by Serbia, which still considers it as one of its autonomous provinces. Under this agreement, Belgrade will for the first time recognize an administrative document issued by Kosovo. A decision is made “only for practical reasons” and that she “cannot be interpreted as recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo”assures Serbia in a notice that it intends to display at border crossings with its neighbor.

The announcement by Kosovo of this measure had provoked strong tensions in several municipalities in the north of the country whose inhabitants are Serbs from Kosovo. Barricades had been erected, raising fears of the outbreak of a new conflict with Serbia. In mid-August, NATO said it was ready to intervene in the event of a threat to freedom of movement or the stability of Kosovo.

The agreement reached on Saturday does not, however, cover the second disputed measure: Kosovo wants to require Kosovo Serbs to replace their Serbian license plates with Kosovar plates before October 31. “The job is not done”recalled Josep Borrell, calling on the leaders of the two countries to “pragmatism”. The registration issue is a problem “much more complicated”Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday, for whom “the crisis continues” and “gets worse” despite the deal.

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