Séraphin Poudrier or Toussaint Brodeur?

In Quebec, we like misers like Séraphin and Toussaint. The ratings of Upper country and tickets sold for The Dbusiness testify to this, we like the bun, we don’t want to go to hell. The rich, we don’t like them even when they put themselves at the service of the State to enrich the country rather than continuing to enrich themselves on their own… That’s how it is. We like to see them stumble even when they’re just having private fun with their friends… That’s how it is.

MPs, ministers or prime ministers, with your two hundred thousand dollars a year, you are not like the athletes, the stars or the bosses who are paid millions. They have the right to benefit from it, because they deserve it, but not you, because it’s our money… You should be poor to deserve us.

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