separatists call on Emmanuel Macron to “breath new life” to restore dialogue

The separatists are reaching out to Emmanuel Macron. The coalition of the Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) declared, Wednesday May 22, “take note” of the upcoming arrival of the Head of State in New Caledonia, “which could constitute a first answer” to his demands. This coalition of independence parties says they are waiting “an announcement (…) which allows us to breathe new life into resuming a peaceful dialogue” in the archipelago. Follow our live stream.

Around 24 hours of flight for Emmanuel Macron. Emmanuel Macron is due to arrive in Nouméa, Thursday morning (local time, Wednesday evening Paris time), to install a “assignment” dialogue. He is notably accompanied by the Ministers of the Interior and the Armed Forces, Gérald Darmanin and Sébastien Lecornu.

A “terribly sad and dangerous” situation, according to Edouard Philippe. The former Prime Minister, very involved in the Caledonian issue when he was at Matignon, said he hoped for announcements from the Head of State “up to par”. “France, which has a complicated relationship with its colonial history, has a possibility of finding an original solution, even if it is more difficult than three months ago”he added.

New Caledonia targeted by a cyberattack. A computer attack “unprecedented strength” was blocked in the territory overnight, shortly after the announcement of Emmanuel Macron’s arrival in the archipelago, the local government reported on Wednesday. This attack “exterior”led by sending millions of emails simultaneously, had “aim to saturate the Caledonian internet network”but she could have been “stopped before there was significant damage”.

“Quieter” night in Nouméa. In the metropolitan area of ​​the Caledonian capital, the night from Tuesday to Wednesday “was calmer than the previous one despite two fires”, reported the high commission of the Republic. The situation still remains precarious and entire neighborhoods remain almost inaccessible, prey to rioters. On Wednesday morning, fires were visible in several sectors, including the Ducos industrial zone.

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