Sentenced to six months in prison | Fraudulent woman freed after two weeks for medical reasons

Sentenced to six months in prison, Solange Crevier only spent two weeks behind bars, thanks to her nebulous medical “condition”. This is why the fraudster was at home last week when she admitted to having worked at Desjardins under a false identity.

Louis-Samuel Perron

Louis-Samuel Perron

For nearly two years, the fraud expert managed to postpone the imposition of his six-month prison sentence with mysterious medical papers. It is only the 1er last October that Solange Crevier finally took the road to prison. Silent in the corridor, the fraudster had suddenly been seized with uncontrollable coughing fits during the hearing. The officers then had to put in place the COVID-19 protocol for his incarceration.

But Solange Crevier will not have remained in detention for long. As of October 19, the criminal took advantage of a temporary absence for medical purposes in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, indicates a recent decision of the Commission des libérations conditionnelles du Québec (CLCQ).

However, Solange Crevier has always received “no official diagnosis of [ses] problems ”and must still undergo“ several examinations to obtain the correct diagnosis ”, one explains. The many redacted passages in the decision do not allow to know more about his health problems.

Lack of transparency

The lack of transparency in Solange Crevier’s case is nothing new. In June 2021, a federal prosecutor even complained to the court of having only obtained a “Word table” as a health check, instead of the expected full medical report. Additionally, for two years, lawyers have consistently described the criminal’s health problems in cryptic terms, vaguely reminiscent of COVID-19.

You should know that Solange Crevier is an expert in document manufacturing. She had also been hired by VIA Rail thanks to a false birth certificate, concealing her criminal history. She is still awaiting trial for a case of fraud against the Ministry of Culture.

From her residence in the Laurentians, Solange Crevier also pleaded guilty to charges of assuming a person and forging a false document last week in Quebec. According to The sun, she admitted to being hired as a consultant in charge of the implementation of a technological system for Desjardins thanks to false identity documents. The fraudster received $ 500,000 for her services.

Before the Liberation Commission, Solange Crevier explained that she “lacked judgment” by hiding her real identity out of “fear” of not being hired. According to the Commission, Solange Crevier presents a “low” risk of recurrence and is not motivated by “greed”. Thus, the CLCQ granted him his parole for a third of his sentence, as of the end of November.

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