Sentenced to life imprisonment, Nordahl Lelandais “takes with him elements of understanding”

After seven hours of deliberation, the verdict is in. Nordahl Lelandais was sentenced on Friday, February 18, to life imprisonment, accompanied by a 22-year security sentence, for the kidnapping and murder of little Maëlys in August 2017. The assize court of the ‘Isère also ordered a “socio-judicial follow-up for 10 years”, including a treatment order. A conviction in accordance with the requisitions of the Advocate General, who had asked the court to “declare Nordahl Lelandais a major criminal, a major predator, guilty of the charges”.

Standing in his box, Nordahl Lelandais reacted calmly to the statement of the verdict. A little groggy, he nodded slightly and stared at the jurors. His mother approached him and greeted him with a “check” with her fist. He exchanged a few words with her, then with his lawyer. Alain Jakubowicz announced that his client will not appeal this sentence, to avoid extending the “Calvary” of the Maëlys family. He made the same decision after his conviction for the murder of Arthur Noyer, in May 2021.

Before the court retired to deliberate, Nordahl Lelandais had renewed his “apologies”addressed “with the greatest sincerity”, “to everyone I’ve hurt”. From “apologies” which echo those he had spoken at the opening of the debate. During these intense three weeks of hearings, the former dog handler also admitted to having killed “voluntarily” Maëlys, contrary to what he had supported until then. An unexpected turnaround, which occurred on the evening of February 11, after five grueling hours of interrogation. Guided methodically by his lawyer, he also admitted to the kidnapping of the girl.

“I acknowledge all the facts with which I am charged.”

Nordahl Lelandais, February 11

in front of the Assize Court of Isère

Thus, for the first time, Nordahl Lelandais declared having felt “pedophile inclinations”. Because the accused was also tried for the sexual assaults committed on his two little cousins, 4 and 6 years old, in the summer of 2017, shortly before the murder of Maëlys. Attacks that he filmed and whose chilling images were projected before the Assize Court of Isère, on the 6th and 7th days of the hearing. Faced with these videos where we see him touching the sex of the girls, Nordahl Lelandais kept his head down. Then, pressed with questions, he could not deny the evidence. Despite everything, he said it over and over again: he “there was no sexual desire with Maëlys de Araujo”.

So why did Nordahl Lelandais kidnap and then kill Maëlys? During the hearing, he constantly justified his “murder drive” by the“completely crazy impression” to see in “hallucination” the Arthur Noyer face he had killed a few months earlier. But the psychiatric experts called to the bar did not subscribe to this version. Nordahl Lelandais “is not psychotic”nor “schizophrenic”, “not hallucinating”. They rather lean towards a “conscious manipulation” of this man described as a “perverse”, “the psychopath archetype”. A cynical man, whose other face was revealed over the loudspeakers of the courtroom, during the broadcast of a conversation with his last girlfriend.

“We know who we were dealing with from the start, he’s been lying for four years. He says he kidnapped her for a walk, supposedly. We know very well that we will never have this truth what we were waiting for”reacted the father of Maëlys, Friday, after the condemnation of Nordahl Lelandais. “The rape could not be recognized”, regretted Joachim de Araujo, for lack of sufficient material elements. But the sexual motive remained in everyone’s mind during these three weeks of trial.

Nordahl Lelandais “takes with it elements of understanding”estimated Laurent Boguet, lawyer of the father of Maëlys. “How could he do it? Why did he do it? What were the last moments of this little girl? So many ankles that torment Joachim de Araujo’s mind and heart.” Of his last moments, all that remains is a small white figure, seated in the front of Nordahl Lelandais’ Audi A3. An image captured by the video surveillance of Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Isère), where Maëlys disappeared, and whose projection at the hearing aroused fear. “We don’t know what Maëlys really died of. We will never know, only he knows. He is condemned and I hope he will think deeply about everything he has done and what he put us through”wished, for her part, Jennifer de Araujo, satisfied with the court decision.

“Perpetuity is what we took, we no longer had Maëlys.”

Jennifer de Araujo

after the trial

In front of a forest of microphones and cameras, in a dignified voice, Jennifer de Araujo spoke by holding a photo frame with a giant portrait of Maëlys, her eldest daughter by her side. From the height of her 16 years, the latter, who directly faced Nordahl Lelandais at the helm, wanted to speak. “I’m happy for my sister”, reacted Colleen with emotion. After this verdict, it is towards Maëlys that the family turns its gaze forever. “We would like Lelandais to be forgotten and Maëlys to be in the hearts of the French. May we never forget him”implored Jennifer de Araujo.

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