Sentenced to 9 years in prison in Russia | 42 seconds of silence in support of Brittney Griner

(Los Angeles) The players of Phoenix, the team of Brittney Griner, and Connecticut observed Thursday 42 seconds of silence before their WNBA championship match in support of the American basketball player, sentenced to 9 years in prison by a Russian court for trafficking drug.

Updated yesterday at 7:55 p.m.

Gathered in the center of the floor of the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut, the players of the two teams, all holding each other by the waist, heads bowed, some in tears, thus showing their support for Griner, the 42 seconds corresponding to his usual jersey number with Phoenix.

Among the public, many people in the grip of the same strong emotion had worn t-shirts bearing the image of the star of women’s basketball, with the inscription “We are BG” (“We are BG”).

During a press conference before the meeting, Vanessa Nygaard, the coach of Mercury, confided how “it was really hard to see BG today and to hear his words”, referring to “a very emotional day for the whole team”.

“The players were looking at her. Emotions intensified throughout the day. We are going to play, but how can we focus on this match? It’s such an emotional day for us. It was hard to hear the news,” she continued.

Sports world calls for Brittney Griner to be freed

It is with sadness and anger that the sports world greeted the sentencing of American basketball player Brittney Griner to 9 years in prison by a Russian court for drug trafficking, calling for action to “free BG”.

After Joe Biden’s strong words, deeming this verdict “unacceptable” and asking “Russia to immediately release” Griner, it was the North American Women’s Basketball League (WNBA), which reacted first in a joint statement. with the NBA.

Both bodies deplored the “unfair and regrettable” conviction of the women’s basketball star, adding “the verdict […] was predictable, and Brittney remains wrongfully detained.”

“The WNBA’s commitment to her safe return has not wavered and we hope that the end of this process to bring Brittney Griner back to the United States for good is approaching,” the league commissioner concluded. , Cathy Engelbert.


“The WNBA’s commitment to her safe return has not wavered and we hope that the end of this process to bring Brittney Griner back to the United States for good is approaching,” the league commissioner said. Cathy Engelbert.

The American Basketball Federation also expressed its disappointment, but not its surprise “given what we know of the procedure”.

“We continue to support BG in every way we can and remain engaged with the US State Department as they work to bring her home. The bravery Brittney shows in the face of these unimaginable circumstances is a testament to the person she is and the strength she possesses,” USA Basket concluded.

For the Phoenix Mercury, his “broken-hearted” WNBA team, Brittney Griner’s conviction marks a “significant step” in “the nightmare endured for 168 days by our sister, BG”.

“We will not allow it to be forgotten. We are BG,” the Arizona club added.

“Political Pawn”

Before the start of a championship game in Connecticut, Mercury coach Vanessa Nygaard said, “It was really hard to see ‘BG’ today and hear his words.”

“The players were looking at her. Emotions intensified throughout the day. We are going to play, but how can we focus on this match? It’s such an emotional day for us. »

Several other sportswomen and sportsmen expressed the same dismay.

“Seeing BG behind these bars breaks my heart. Praying hard for her today,” tweeted Diamond DeShields, who plays for the defending WNBA champion Chicago Sky.

Speaking to Joe Biden, former women’s basketball star Swin Cash asked: “Please […] bring Brittney Griner home! We will not stop advocating for it…”.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last week that Washington had made a “substantial offer” to Moscow to free Griner and former US Marine Paul Whelan, imprisoned in Russia for espionage.

Many voices have called on the government to continue this negotiation process, with the player’s agent, Lindsay Colas, stressing on Twitter that the sentencing “proves what we’ve known all along, which is that Brittney is being used as a political pawn “.

” Not possible ! 9 years ? Bring our sister and friend home. #FREEBG “, finally called Grant Williams, winger of the Boston Celtics, beaten in the NBA finals in June by Golden State.

These “FREEBG” (“Free BG”) were relayed from all sides on social networks.

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