Sensual Nabilla in fine lingerie: a photo is controversial, she speaks and explains!

This photo in panties, lace bustier and red pajama jacket, Nabilla assumes it. “The female body is beautiful. We see a little cleavage and oh la la! You knew me the same way and there it shocks you. I have gotten you too used to wearing long shirts and closed sweaters. But I remain a woman, feminist and who assumes herself. If you don’t like it, you quit. What matters is my family and my husband. It’s not anonymous people who are going to tell me what to do. It’s a crazy thing to judge each othershe continues. Buy yourself a life or even some lingerie and take a selfie.

Finally, still very upset, Nabilla, who would be pregnant with her second child, puts some distance with her loyal subscribers: “I am neither your sister, nor your mother, nor your friend, nor your wife. I don’t know you at all and there are some who speak to me as if we knew each other, she gets annoyed. So yes you have known my life for almost 10 years, I share what I want to share because there are a lot of things you don’t know. I can’t stand lecturers.“A muscular tune-up!

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