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Thursday, October 6 is the national day of carers, who help a weakened or sick loved one. This represents a load that is psychologically and physically exhausting. In the Yvelines, volunteers take residents of retirement homes on bike rides.
It’s a real breath of fresh air for seniors of one nursing home of the commune of Mesnil-Saint-Denis, in the Yvelines. Warmly dressed to protect themselves from the cold, they are getting ready to enjoy a ride in a scooter, in order to get some fresh air and enjoy the colors of autumn. “It’s just incredible, for our residents, this possibility of going out”explains Isabelle Nicolas, director of thenursing home. A walk that appeals to retirees who take advantage of it.
For residents of nursing homes, these bike rides are an opportunity to return to youth or childhood. But also to be highlighted, as explained by Claire Brochot, pilot and member of the association “A bike without age”: “It’s still nice to be able to give them a moment when they are part of life again”. An initiative which is multiplying in France and which is in particular looking for volunteers in order to continue its actions. In other departments, such as Alsace, scooters are used to transport the youngest.