The departmental voluntary gymnastics committee in Mayenne has just invited seniors from Neau and the surrounding area to celebrate Christmas in motion. A gentle gym discovery session that is less harmless than it seems, sinceshe aims to set up the town’s future gym club, the first sessions of which take place in January.
Seven curious for the first discovery session
Seven seniors came to test a first “soft gym” class, based on stretching, training and flexing adapted to their age by sports leader Bénédicte Bourget.
It was Neau’s first assistant, Michèle L’Huillier, who invited the departmental voluntary gymnastics committee to Mayenne in September. The challenge: to establish a soft gym club in the town. And the curious come out delighted with this first session, whether they are novices or already followers of fitness sessions.
– Celine Autin
The officials of the departmental committee emerge relieved. They coordinate around sixty clubs across Mayenne and observe after this year of health crisis, the loss of around 40% of their members.