Seniors: becoming a host family to allow elderly people to age peacefully


Video duration:
6 mins


Article written by

France 2 – S.Guillaumin, L.Le Moigne, M.Dubois, L.Hauville

France Televisions

The “An idea for France” section of 13 Heures focuses on French initiatives. Thursday October 5, head to Calvados, where a couple transformed their house to accommodate elderly and disabled people. A house where time passes quietly.

It’s still mild on the Normandy coast. For two elderly people and one disabled person, it’s a time to go see the sea in Cabourg (Calvados). A breath of fresh air for Émilie Goubin and her little troupe. It has been two and a half years since this former trader decided, with her husband, to become a host family by accommodating elderly or disabled people in their house in Putot-en-Auge (Calvados). A full-time job which required, first of all, a serious arrangement of the house.

“It’s a pleasure for me to take care of them”

Everyone has their own room, and there are three residents maximum. It is a legal obligation. Here, time passes quietly. To give rhythm to the days, there are meals, always taken together. “It’s a pleasure for me to take care of them, to prepare them little dishes, little desserts”, says Émilie Goubin. Each month, she and her husband receive around 2,000 euros per resident. Present on the 13 Heures set, Thursday October 5, journalist Valérie Heurtel presents other similar initiatives. Near Reims (Marne), elderly people live in a community in apartments designed for seniors, with a shared room for joint activities.

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