Seniors: balls, a way to keep in touch after two years of pandemic


France 2

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The musette balls return with the end of health restrictions, Monday March 14. In Uzerche (Corrèze), where most of the ball regulars are seniors, it’s also a way to keep in touch.

The town of Uzerche (Correze)not’at as peaceful as the appearance. In the village hall, the ball, mostly made up of seniors, is in full swing. The dance steps make you dizzy and the local stars play the accordion. This instrument is a symbol of the region and smiles are on all faces. To celebrate, everyone got dressed up.

A few kilometers away, Christine Bort is making her final preparations. With her husband Daniel, they danced all over the world. “We met while dancing, and it’s true that I didn’t dance with you”laughs Daniel Bort. Always passionate, the couple never misses a ball. This is the perfect opportunity to create friendships. To set the mood, participants can count on Benjamin Laporte, singer in his spare time. After two years of pandemic, the Corréziens were impatiently awaiting the return to the track.

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