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It is the leading cause of accidental death in people over 65. The government announced on Monday, February 21, a plan to reduce the risk of falls at home. All aid will be grouped together on a single platform to facilitate the process.
Nothing has been left to chance in this Parisian Ehpad. Every detail has been taken into account, in order to prevent falls. Carpets, when there are any, are embedded in the floor so that nothing can get caught on them. Unclosed shoes are prohibited, and the lighting system has been completely revised. But at home, older people are often unaware of the dangers around them. They age, but do not arrange their habitat accordingly.
There are far too many accidents according to the government. The objective: to simplify aid by grouping it under a single portal to finance developments. Training will be put in place for caregivers to better identify the weaknesses of seniors. Another track: equip more people with alert boxes, in the event of a fall. Last part: developing sport among the over 65s. Physical activity remains the best ally for staying at home as long as possible.