senators adopt around twenty amendments to the draft amending budget for 2022

This rectified draft budget, which will arrive on Monday in the hemicycle of the Luxembourg Palace, opens up 44 billion euros in credits.

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The senators, mostly on the right, adopted on Thursday July 28 in committee around twenty amendments to the draft amending budget for 2022, the second part of measures to support purchasing power which will arrive on Monday in the hemicycle of the Luxembourg Palace. The first part, the “emergency” bill for purchasing power, has been under discussion since Thursday morning in this same hemicycle.

The amended draft budget opens up 44 billion euros in credits, including 9.7 billion to finance the 100% renationalization of EDF. The senators adopted in committee 21 amendments of the general rapporteur of the budget Jean-François Husson, according to a press release from the Finance Committee.

The senators wish in particular to make permanent the increase to 7,500 euros in the tax exemption ceiling for overtime, voted by the National Assembly for 2022. They replaced the exceptional back-to-school bonus of 100 euros, reserved for minimum social benefits, by “an exceptional ‘boost’ increase” of 150 euros to beneficiaries of the activity bonus.

The parliamentarians have also planned an envelope “exceptional of 40 million euros” for food banks, “subject to significant supply difficulties, particularly in view of inflation”. The rapporteur has not called into question the discussed abolition of the audiovisual license fee. But the senators limited to December 31, 2024 the allocation of a fraction of the VAT product to ensure the financing of public broadcasting, “this delay leaving time for the implementation of a real reform of the sector”.

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