(Montreal) A Senate report released Thursday says Canada can make significant progress in suicide prevention if all levels of government develop strategies tailored to men and Indigenous peoples, groups struggling with suicide rates the highest.
The Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology also says the Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention Act has done little to reduce the suicide rate in Canada since it was passed in 2016 because it does not prioritize evidence-based interventions for suicide prevention and does a poor job of tracking the issue.
Senator Patrick Brazeau, a member of the Algonquin community of Kitigan Zibi and a member of the committee, pushed for a study of suicide in Canada after he attempted suicide twice almost a decade ago. “I was in pain,” says the senator in the report.
Senator Patrick Brazeau
“Some people have lost loved ones to this and just can’t take it, but for those who can take it, it’s very important that they share their voices and their stories. There are many people who have problems in Canada today. »
Senator Stan Kutcher, a member of the committee, says the report found that men account for 75% of suicides in Canada. Indigenous leaders told the committee that “Inuit face suicide rates 6 to 25 times higher than national rates, depending on region and demographics.”
The report states that more men are dying by suicide because “men are choosing more deadly means of suicide, such as guns.”
According to Senator Brazeau, Canada needs to conduct a gender-based analysis of available programs because the report found that there are more prevention efforts available for women than for men.
Mr. Brazeau suggests that this could be because, historically, men have also learned to hide their emotions, which makes it more difficult to take charge of their mental well-being.
“(We think) men are strong, men are supposed to be tough, and men don’t need help, and they’ll get through this on their own,” Brazeau said. I am living proof that this is not the case. »
The report says a variety of evidence-based approaches can reduce suicide among overrepresented groups, including “means restrictions.”
“Means restriction is intended to make the most common and deadly methods of suicide more difficult to access,” the report says, recommending that Canada limit gun ownership and strengthen border surveillance of trafficking. of firearms.
Data collection system requested
The reports reveal that several factors, including the effects of colonialism, have negatively affected Indigenous well-being and the 2016 framework must recognize this.
“Realities differ significantly for urban First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Indigenous peoples than those on reserves or in rural areas,” the report says.
“Witnesses highlighted the importance of providing accessible care and interventions to all Indigenous peoples, whether they live in urban, rural or remote settings. »
He also stressed that suicide prevention programs should involve Indigenous care.
The Senate report argues that primary care physicians can also greatly benefit from suicide prevention efforts.
Federal Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Carolyn Bennett told the Senate that “the College of Family Physicians is currently planning to extend residency from two years to three years to allow for additional training in mental health, addictions and in pain,” according to the report.
Mme Bennett did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the report, but the Senate says the minister informed the committee that work is underway to update the 2016 framework.
The report also calls on Canada to create a national suicide data collection system and urges the existing 2016 framework to formally recognize the disproportionately high suicide rates among Indigenous people, as well as men and boys.
Brazeau said the Senate’s next step is to discuss the report with the federal government, which will then prepare a response to its findings.
“It is important that future governments follow these recommendations and focus on the target populations,” Brazeau said.
Need help ?
If you need support, if you are having suicidal thoughts or if you are worried about someone close to you, contact 1 866 APPELLE (1 866 277-3553). A suicide prevention worker is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You can also consult the site commentparlerdusuicide.com