Sell ​​your property as best as possible, despite the market downturn

At the moment, the real estate market is slowing down and you want to sell your property. How to do it ?

Gone are the days when an apartment, or a house, was snapped up in no time, where you had to make an offer quickly, if you were interested in a property, or when you were an owner, you could be a little difficult with buyers. Advice from Fanny Guinochet.

franceinfo: This year, the real estate market has experienced serious movements, even setbacks…

Fanny Guinochet: Yes, the market has turned around, and if you are a seller, it has often become very complicated. Buyers do not rush, they visit, but do not make many offers, they think, hang around, those who need a loan are not at all sure of getting one, prices fall. And so, the first pitfall to avoid is overestimating the price of your property.

Ask for several estimates from real estate agents, look at the price of apartments in your area, you can consult the tax website for this. But know that the crazy prices of recent years are over.

Do not inflate your estimate too much, you risk being disappointed, when you display a price, always leave yourself some room for negotiation. Also remember that the buyer will have to add notary fees to your price.

And we shouldn’t show that we are in too much of a hurry?

No, even if this is the case, there is no point putting too much pressure on the buyer, at the risk of stressing them out. But if you are selling to move to another home, try as much as possible to sell your property before moving into the new one, even in between, even renting it out. Because the risk is to find yourself caught between two, by a bridging loan. However, the bridging loan is already not eternal, and above all, it is more expensive than a traditional loan. Ohas already exceeded 4%, and given the fairly uncertain economic situation, banks are quite cautious about this type of financing.

How to promote your property?

Store it well, take beautiful photos, make people want it. It seems obvious, but when we look at real estate advertisements from individuals, we see that this common sense advice is not always followed! Do not hesitate to do some quick work, to restore it a little, a lick of paint, etc.

Have a tour when there is furniture, it is often better than visiting an empty space. Finally, the buyer must be able to see everything, the cellar, the parking lot if there is one. Preparing all documents carefully, from the first visit, particularly energy diagnostics, is essential.

And if despite all that, if it doesn’t work, and we don’t sell…

Well, rent it out to avoid losing money! But that will give rise to another column.

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