self-tests distributed in colleges


France 2

Article written by

J. Coulais, P. Arbez, L. Brocard, C. Theodore, P. Bouchetou – France 2

France Televisions

Since Monday, November 29, self-tests have been distributed to sixth-grade students in colleges in France.

It is a rather special course for these students from Besançon, in the Doubs. The school supply of the day: these self-tests provided by the National Education and distributed in sixth grade classes since Monday, November 29. These children under 12 cannot yet be vaccinated, so they are learning to test themselves. “When we present them a little bit how it’s done, I think they are a little afraid to know if they are doing well or not. But they are anyway accompanied by the adults who are with them at the home, so it should be fine “, says Sabrina Bayle, nurse.

This measure is in addition to the compulsory wearing of a mask in class. “No one in this class is going to be happy doing the self-tests, but we have no choice”, explains Nathan, a sixth-grader. Since the start of the epidemic, nine cases of Covid-19 have been identified in this college.


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