Ségolène Royal and Dominique de Villepin as a couple? The reaction of the ex-minister to the rumor

It is a surprising romantic association! Two famous former ministers would have had a love story a long time ago, despite their different political colors: Dominique de Villepin and Ségolène Royal. Gala returned to this romance at a time when the ex-companion of the 2007 presidential candidate has just married Julie Gayet.

In April 2009, Dominique de Villepin was the guest of the Big Newspaper on Canal+. He responded to queries from viewers in the famous Question Box and even on private matters. Indeed, he was asked thus:The Canal + film on L’ENA suggests that you had a little love affair with Ségolène Royal. It’s true ?” In the extract reported by the site 20 minutesthe former head of the Quai d’Orsay responds with a smile that speaks volumes: “She deserves it. She was beautiful and she remains so.“If their political choices have differed since their days as students, Ségolène Royal and Dominique de Villepin were part of the same promotion at the ENA and both left in 1980.

It was also at the National School of Administration that the one who had the portfolios of the Environment, the Family and School Education, crossed paths with François Hollande who would become his companion and the father of his four children (the former couple never married): Thomas, lawyer, Julien, filmmaker, Clémence, doctor, and Flora. Since her media separation with the former President of the Republic in 2007, she has remained very secretive about her private life. With regard to Dominique de Villepin, he married on August 3, 1985 the sculptor Marie-Laure Le Guay with whom he had three children: Marie, model and actress, Arthur, president of a company, and finally Victoire. The couple divorced in 2011.

Discreet in the media, they have each come back to light recently due to current events: Dominique de Villepin was consulted for his expertise in international relations when the Russian invasion of Ukraine broke out. Ségolène Royal gave her opinion on the collapse of the socialist party and expressed her support for Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

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