Posted at 11:30 a.m.
(Mont-Saint-Hilaire) Don’t look out to sea. It is not on the sea that young sailors aged 7 to 12 and their families are invited to look for Captain Poe’s precious treasure. It is rather in the wooded parks of Mascouche, Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval and Mont-Saint-Hilaire that the company specializing in outdoor puzzle games Parcours playful set up this summer adventure.

The activity takes place in the forest.
In the latter town, the treasure hunt takes place at the foot of Mont Saint-Hilaire, behind the college of the same name. After downloading the app Fun trails on our phone, we go to the starting point indicated on our family ticket.
Are we in the right place? No sign mentions the pirate and his loot. Our 7 and 8 year old sailors then imagine that their quest is all the more secret. Their mother would have preferred for her that an indication confirms that she was indeed at the beginning of the course. It would have saved him from peering up and down at a container covered in graffiti that, in the end, had nothing to do with the mission.
You should know that on site, there is no employee to guide the treasure seekers. Visitors are accompanied virtually thanks to geolocation. A way of doing things that might displease some people who are less skilled with technology. However, it works very well. Throughout the activity, which lasts about 75 minutes, videos in which Captain Poe gives us important information start as soon as we arrive at a specific point on the trail.

Videos start thanks to geolocation.
Feed the imagination
Our first test? Help the poor pirate find his magic card. After all, without a treasure map, it’s impossible to get your hands on the coveted chest.
To do this, children must identify the differences between the cards that appear on the phone screen and those attached to the trees.

Maps hang from the trees.
After two trials that required their sense of observation, the explorers learn from the mouth of the captain that they now have the map in their possession. Head to the island of Carbosa, where the treasure is. But beware: the storm is rising, warns the buccaneer. Better to take shelter.
This is what the young adventurers do by opening an umbrella, while a few drops of water fall from the sky. A funny coincidence that pushes the girls to dive more into this universe reminiscent of the films Pirates of the Caribbean Where IndianaJones.
In our view, this ability to feed the imagination of children is precisely the strong point of this activity at the border of the real, the virtual and the fantastic.
Because no, contrary to what Captain Poe maintains, the noise of the cabin boys will not trigger the wrath of an evil spirit. Young people, however, like to believe it.
Multiple events
After deciphering riddles, finding their way using a compass, identifying the songs of different birds and recovering artifacts in the mud that magically appeared on the phone screen, the girls reached the sacred clearing of Carbosa.

The sense of observation is solicited more than once during the activity.
The penultimate event was their favourite. Equipped with a virtual metal detector, they searched at the foot of the trees for rings, diamonds and gold coins. Then they followed the compass directions once more to a sign perched in the air.
” The treasure ! shouted the girls, newly promoted to vice-captains.
Price: $24.95 per family. Captain Poe’s Booty, until September 5, in Mascouche, Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval and Mont-Saint-Hilaire. The company Parcours PLAYS also offers other similar activities throughout Quebec.