Secularism at school, in France and in Quebec

The news hit hard without really surprising: a study revealed this week that more than 40% of young high school students in France, the equivalent of secondary school with us, consider that their religious requirements are more important than the laws of the Republic.

I say that it strikes without surprising, because France wants to be secular, but has known for a long time its attacked secularism, under demographic, ideological and religious pressure.

And everyone understands that young people who prefer their religion to civil laws are not Lutherans, Calvinists, Orthodox, or Catholics.


We are obviously talking about young Muslims, often more radical than their parents, and who do not hide, when we ask them, and even when we do not ask them, their little love for France, and often even their aversion.

The whole thing goes well beyond the question of the veil. We are talking about the desire to exclude girls from certain sports activities. Of religious communitarianism. But also, for many teachers, the impossibility of transmitting certain knowledge and certain knowledge because this offends the religious convictions of the students.

However, we find several to make France feel guilty.

I confess, I am fascinated by the serious lack of culture of those who claim to speak about France without really knowing anything about it. They accuse him of racism and Islamophobia.

They never wonder if the massive arrival of millions of people of a foreign religion and civilization in a country was likely to create deep social disturbances. We could add: if France is as worse as they say it is, why are there so many, every day, wanting to settle there legally or illegally?

Now let’s switch to our place. Obviously, the situation is not the same.

The current controversy which features a veiled teacher suspended in Chelsea, in the Outaouais, should remind us of one thing: Islamists are specialists in provocation. They use the language of minority rights to impose their agenda.

They advance their claims while seeking to victimize themselves.

In the case of this teacher, how can we not understand that we are faced with a planned communication blow? The substitute teacher was hired after the adoption of Law 21. She therefore openly defies Quebec laws, with the complicity of her employer, ideologically rallied to multiculturalism. Militant Islam and Wokism go hand in hand.

She excludes herself and wants to pass for a great persecuted.


Press moreover reported his words about the veil: “It is important for me to continue to wear it, because I know that certain ideologies do not want me to wear it. It is my resistance, and my resilience ”.

At least, it’s clear.

And as many Americans who do not understand secularism curse France, in Canada, we take the opportunity to relaunch a smear campaign against Quebec.

Secularism is today a treasure to be defended, even if it is poorly understood by the Anglo-Saxons.

Valérie Pécresse, the candidate from the right classic

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The discos closed for four weeks!

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Our Lady of Paris again in danger!

In 2019, Notre-Dame was ravaged by flames. There was something unimaginable about this fire. As if France saw its identity dissolve in front of it. But miracle, Notre-Dame survived. It is now a question of restoring it. This company should achieve consensus. But France would not be France without debates! And so we find the contemporary art lobby who wants to take advantage of the restoration to modify it. General reaction: danger!

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