sectors that are struggling to recruit



Article written by

S. Lanson, M. Damoy, G. Le Goff, L. Campisi, G. Messina, V. Lejeune – franceinfo

France Televisions

Over the past year, the hotel and catering sector has lost 237,000 workers. To attract new workers, the employers are proposing wage increases.

With the crisis in France, many sectors are finding themselves in difficulty. This is particularly the case with restaurants where several establishments have difficulty in recruiting. Since September, Nathan Helo, owner of the Dupin restaurant, has been looking to hire three additional employees, to no avail. He therefore had to adapt his menu, removing certain substantial formulas. It also offers salaries 100 to 300 euros higher than before the confinement.

Working conditions are also pushing some people to move away from the hotel industry. For five years, Laura Termens managed a team of 25 people at the reception. With 60-hour work weeks and a schedule that changes often, she preferred to say stop and turned to real estate. In one year, the hotel and catering sector lost 237,000 workers, or 20% of its workforce. The employers therefore propose on average an increase of 10.5% on salaries to succeed in recruiting. The unions in the hotel and catering industry are calling for larger wage increases. A negotiation meeting is due to take place in mid-December.


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