Section Paloise beats Biarritz Olympique for its first preparation match (22-0)

Start of preparation validated by a victory for Section Paloise against Biarritz, 22-0. If the discipline is to be reviewed, the defense responded present, and the hookers feasted. The preparation continues for some with the participation in the first stage of the SuperSevens this Saturday in Perpignan, then will come for all the time of the second preparation match, Friday 19, in Aire-sur-l’Adour, against Mont-de- Marsan (6:30 p.m.).

Sluggish start

For its first preparation match, it took time for Section Paloise to fully enter the game. The first twenty minutes were messy as desired with several misplaced offensive touches and in particular six penalties conceded. The Green and White operate against, and Eoghan Barrett is very close to register following a ball recovered in a ruck and tapped to follow. During the freshness break, manager Sébastien Piqueronies asked for more speed. The instruction is not necessarily applied instantly, but the Section, thanks to its defense, recovers ammunition, and on penalty touch then balloon carried, it is Youri Delhommel who scored the first try of the match (5-0, 28th). The only points scored during the first forty minutes.

The pace barely increases on returning from the locker room, and the Section passes very close to the correctional, but comes out of it thanks to an interception by Clément Mondinat. In the continuation, new penaltouch, new ball carried and essay by Romain Ruffenach (10-0, 56th). And again five minutes later, penalty touch and ball carried, then some playing time later, a third hooker try by Ruffenach again (15-0, 63rd). The match gets carried away, and the Section remains undisciplined, but manages with great energy to repel each Basque attack. And offers a last test, to the siren, by Vincent Pinto. Final score, 22-0 after the transformation into drop of Thibault Debaes.

The Paloise Section match sheet

First period : 1. Rémi Sénéca, 2. Youri Delhommel, 3. Guram Papidze; 4. Steven Cummins, 5. Jimi Maximin; 6. Thibaut Hamonou, 8. Jordan Joseph, 7. Luke Whitelock; 9. Thibault Daubagna (cap), 10. Zack Henry; 11. Eoghan Barrett, 12. Jale Vatubua, 13. Eliott Roudil, 14. Vincent Pinto; 15. Clement Laporte.

Second period: 17. Hugo Parrou (27. Paul Tailhades, 69th), 16. Romain Ruffenach, 18. Maks Van Dyk (29. Nicolas Corato, 64th; 17. Hugo Parrou, 78th); 19. Guillaume Ducat, 20. Mickaël Capelli; 21. Hugo Auradou, 6. Thibaut Hamonou (7. Luke Whitelock, 66th), 22. Martin Puech; 9. Thibault Daubagna (23. Clovis Le Bail, 64th), 24. Thibault Debaes; 11. Eoghan Barrett (15. Laporte, 49th), 12. Jale Vatubua (13. Roudil, 64th), 25. Emilien Gailleton, 14. Vincent Pinto (11. Eoghan Barrett, 64; 14. Vincent Pinto, 78th); 26. Clement Mondinat.

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