Secret trial | The Public Service Union will check

“We reacted with amazement. It is unthinkable to have such a way of doing justice in Quebec. For us, the transparency of justice and the judicial process is a priority,” says Christian Daigle, General President of the Union of Public and Parapublic Service of Quebec.

Posted at 7:28 p.m.

Daniel Renaud

Daniel Renaud
The Press

His union represents court clerks, court ushers, stenographers and office workers who are normally present in a courtroom during a hearing, or who have a role to play after a hearing.

Last week, The Press released a judgment of the Quebec Court of Appeal in which it was learned that a trial was held in complete secrecy before the Court of Quebec, presumably to protect the identity of a police source who was accused of whom knows what.

It is not known when and in which district the trial took place. The name of the trial judge, the names of the prosecutors, the names of the defense attorneys, the dates, the nature of the offence, etc., have all been redacted.

The police testified, but elsewhere than in a courthouse, and the trial judge did not see and hear the witnesses, he read the transcripts of their testimony.

All that we know for the moment is that it would be an organized crime file led by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the federal Crown.

“In short, no trace of this trial exists, except in the memory of those involved,” wrote the judges of the Quebec Court of Appeal in their decision.

Unanswered questions

Was a clerk present during the hearings held in the context of this secret trial?

Did an official stenographer make the transcripts of the police officers who testified and which were read by the trial judge?

Did the source who was found guilty of a crime whose nature is unknown at first instance have conditions of release or probation?

Has she been subject to a prohibition on possessing a weapon or a DNA sample or detention order?

If so, who performed them? Under what?

Who fed the databases of the Quebec Police Intelligence Center (CRPQ) once the judge rendered his decision? Has this been done?

“We don’t see how we can hold these kinds of proceedings when there is a court being held and we need support staff. It is certain that we have our people who must be present at that time. If that’s not the case, I don’t see how they were able to hold the hearings and do the necessary follow-ups for the future,” says Mr. Daigle.

“Of course for us, it raises questions. We are going to do validations on the subject and ask questions in the workplace, ”concludes the union leader.

To reach Daniel Renaud, dial 514 285-7000, ext. 4918, write to [email protected] or write top-addressOstale of La Presse.

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