“Secret” by Edgär, 9 songs to sum up hours of discussions between friends

Behind Edgär hides in fact a duo composed of the extrovert Antoine and the romantic Ronan. Both cut their teeth on the Amiens scene: Antoine energetically directs his Rockbidule group, Ronan exercises his talents as a composer within his Popytruc group.

Inevitably, it was during a concert that these two worlds collide. Antoine is struck by Ronan’s writing skills, and a slightly crazy idea begins to germinate in his mind. Over the course of the discussions, the two boys get to know each other and weave a solid friendship. Edgär comes to life.

They discover with enthusiasm that their passionate exchanges on their influences bring them back, tirelessly, to the same misty shores. british pop. Convinced that the singularity of their project lies beyond their respective comfort zones, the guitar then mixes, gently, with the electro arrangements.

It is now a certainty: their difference will be their strength, their complementarity in their project.

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After 2 acclaimed EPs and more than 150 concerts across France, Edgär unveils his 1st album “Secret”. All the themes of the album evoke moments of life, emotions or feelings told by Ronan to Antoine.

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