Secondary residences: a French dream


Video length: 2 min

Secondary residences: a French dream
Secondary residences: a French dream
(France 2)

A second home, whether by the sea or in the mountains, is a dream that often remains inaccessible for many French people. Sometimes the temptation of group purchases is a solution.

During the holidays, Hardelot, a seaside resort in the north of France, is a popular little corner of paradise with individual houses hidden between the forest and the sea. It is an idyllic setting that convinced a couple to invest in 2019 to spend time with family. For almost 550,000 euros, they bought a 100 m² house with all the amenities. They have gotten into the habit of coming here to recharge their batteries every weekend. “There’s golf, there’s water sports, there’s cycling, lots of things to do”lists one of the members of the couple.

The number of requests could increase in the coming years

Like this owner, many individuals have chosen to invest in the town. 70% of homes sold in Hardelot are second homes. The number of requests of this type could increase in the years to come, “particularly among young people, given the prices charged today,” said a real estate agent. Since Covid, the second home market has been booming on the Opal Coast.

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