Secondary 5 French single test | The Ministry of Education lacks proofreaders

Faced with a lack of staff, the correction of the single French test of the 5e secondary cannot be completed within the expected timeframe. The transmission of the final results will therefore be delayed.

Posted yesterday at 11:49 p.m.

Alice Girard-Bosse

Alice Girard-Bosse
The Press

A total of 60,121 students completed the French test last May. It is estimated that the proofreading will be completed on July 9, rather than the 5, as planned. The results should be available the next day.

In order to speed up its correction, the Ministry of Education appealed to secondary French teachers in June. More than a hundred of them came to lend a hand.

“In this context, the network has been asked to show flexibility for registrations for summer courses as well as for the recovery test. The college network has been notified of the delay,” said Ministry spokesperson Esther Chouinard in response to the request for The Press.

The ministry ensures however that the results will be communicated before the resumption test which begins on July 20.

“The Ministry understands that this situation may cause concern among students, and thanks all those affected for their understanding and assures them that everything is being done to complete the corrections as soon as possible”, concluded the spokesperson.

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