Second term or not? | Kamala Harris says she hasn’t spoken with Joe Biden about 2024

(Washington) Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris, who is going through a difficult political period, assured the Wall Street Journal that she had not discussed with Joe Biden the presidential election of 2024, and in particular of ‘a candidacy of the president in this ballot.

Mr Biden, 79, has previously made it known that he plans to run for a second term.

“I tell you without ambiguity: we are not talking and we have not talked about re-election, because we have not yet finished the first year (of the mandate) and we are in the middle of a pandemic”, said Mme Harris in everyday business life.

Asked about a possible new candidacy of Joe Biden, the vice-president insisted: “I do not think about it and we did not speak about it”.

Washington has been buzzing with rumors for several weeks about Kamala Harris’ relationship with the president, and many commentators have already started speculating on what will happen to the unpopular vice president if Joe Biden does not stand for re-election.

Kamala Harris seems to be struggling to find her place in the White House, where she is in charge of particularly delicate missions, relating to the access of minorities to the vote or to the origins of the migration crisis on the southern border.

The vice-president made history by becoming the first woman and the first black and Asian person to be invested in this position, which theoretically makes her the heiress of Joe Biden.

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