Second round for everbearing strawberries

We turn to Jacky Mercier organic market gardener in Frontenay sur Dive who will talk to us Bordeaux mixture (also for tomatoes, to give them an extra month of life).

Everbearing strawberries unlike early strawberries offer us a second round of flowers and therefore fruit. Jacky advises us to cut the runners, these rejections at the end of which is a new foot. We can keep one or two per foot to give birth to a new plant, but be careful not to exhaust the foot which would no longer give fruit, so let’s layer and cut the stolon.

The leaves have turned red?

They can be removed, a little Bordeaux mixture will do your strawberries good, but take it easy and avoid touching the flowers. Your well-maintained strawberries can give until the first frosts.

To prepare the garden to go into autumn mode, you have to pull up the plants that no longer yield anything, such as green beans, potatoes (which you can now pull up and store) and all the summer plants.

Do we put these plants in the compost?

I like to grind them to make humus.

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