The outgoing RN MP for the Somme and the first secretary of the Socialist Party and re-elected MP for Seine-et-Marne were the guests of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday July 1, 2024.
Reading time: 25 min

Jean-Philippe Tanguy, outgoing RN deputy for the Somme, and Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party and re-elected deputy for Seine-et-Marne, were the guests of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Monday July 1, 2024. Perspectives on alliances, campaign for the second round of legislative elections, suspension of the unemployment insurance reform… They answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jérôme Chapuis.
Olivier Faure calls for not giving “full powers to Marshal Bardella”
The day after the first round of the legislative elections, Olivier Faure hopes “that the mobilization will be even broader” in the second round to avoid giving “full powers to Marshal Bardella”. It’s not “not an irrepressible wave”, he says.
Assimilating the aspiring Prime Minister to Marshal Pétain is a “excessive talk” and “insignificant”, retorts Jean-Philippe Tanguy. According to this member of the national office of the National Rally (RN), “There is not a single French person in our country who believes that Mr. Bardella is an authoritarian figure who does not respect democracy.”.
Unemployment insurance: the RN “happy” after the suspension of the reform
Following the announcement of the results of the first round of the legislative elections, a decision by the Prime Minister brought the Socialist Party (PS) and the National Rally (RN) into agreement: the suspension of the implementation of the unemployment insurance reform. “I am very happy about it, it is a victory for the French people”reacts Jean-Philippe Tanguy. Olivier Faure says to himself “sensitive to the fact that [Gabriel Attal] heard that the French were violently opposed to this reform” .
🔴 Suspension of the unemployment insurance reform ➡️ “I am very happy about it, it is a victory for the French people”, reacts Jean-Philippe Tanguy, who also calls for the cancellation of “the increase in the gas bill”.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) July 1, 2024
The consensus ends there. The head of government had “conceived” this reform “because at the time he thought he would seduce Mr. Tanguy’s electorate”attacks Olivier Faure, re-elected deputy of the 11th constituency of Seine-et-Marne on Sunday evening.
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Monday July 1, 2024: