When some go back a long way to share with us what has been significant in their journey, Sébastien Pocholle has chosen the year 2021
Sebastein Pocholle is the son of a butcher. In 2017 he opened his own Place Ô Marché shop in Amiens and since October 2021, it is also at Camon that we meet him within his Butcher’s Restaurant. It was also last year that Dad and Mom hung up their aprons for a well-deserved rest. This is why Sébastien has chosen 2021 as the defining year of his life.
Even if the memories are still fresh, what happened in 2021?
January 16 it is again the curfew at 6 p.m. in certain departments followed in April by the whole territory. 3rd confinement since 2020. For Sébastien and his whole team, it was necessary to ensure even more to satisfy a confined clientele in need of good food.
January 6th in the United States, several thousand demonstrators gather in front of the Capitol, before a hundred people manage to storm the building.
May 5 anniversary of Napoleon’s death. 2021, the year of the bicentenary on the other side of the Channel, of course, we do not keep the same memories as on the French side and the Guardian on the front page will recall that Nelson repelled the Napoleonic troops.
It’s in November 2021 that Sébastien Pocholle opens his Butcher’s restaurant on the area of The White Task at Camon
– Pocholle House
What were we listening to on the radio in 2021?
- COLDPLAY + BTS ▶ My Universe.
- ED SHEERAN ▶Shivers.
- ADELE ▶Easy on me.
- Soprano – Near the stars.
- Louane: To love to death.
- Julien Doré: We.
- Clara Luciani: The rest.
The musical choice of Sébastien Pocholle : Ed Sheeran because he loves his music and also remembers that when he was little his red hair earned him some teasing.
To follow the news of the Pocholle house, it’s here
The butcher’s restaurant 489 Rue Edouard Branly, 80450 Camon
Phone / 03 22 72 16 18