Sébastien Peytavie, elected in the Dordogne, is the first French deputy in a chair

He is the first member of the National Assembly in a wheelchair. Sébastien Peytavie MP for the fourth constituency of the Dordogne has never made his disability a standard. On the contrary, he does not want us to see the chair before seeing the politician he is. His electoral campaign, he led it like any “ordinary” candidate, in the markets, on the cobblestones to meet the inhabitants of the fourth district.

French rugby champion and deputy

This Sunday, June 19, when he learned of his victory at the end of the second round, Sébastien Peytavie joined his relatives. His father is the first to take him in his arms, very moved “It’s the most beautiful Father’s Day, he’s an extraordinary being who has always made things happen since he was little, it’s only happiness”. The new NUPES MP for the 4th constituency has had a motor disability since he was three years old following a complication after heart surgery. He always wanted to show that his handicap did not define him. He signed up for wheelchair rugby, he became champion of France before entering politics and today in 2022, he is a deputy.

“He’s someone who won’t let go”

Sébastien Peytavie is an example for Ouiza, his friend for 12 years. She accompanied him throughout his campaign, it’s an example “he fought to have this situation and all that to tell you that he will not let go, he is someone who wants it”. The Sarladais does not want to make the handicap his fight for as much. He does not want to be presented as “the deputy in the armchair” and when asked how he is going to get to his seat at the top of the National Assembly, he answers with humor: “I have mine, which I move all the time, but we’ll see how it goes there”. With his surname beginning with the letter P, his seat will be at the very top of the hemicycle which does not have an elevator. Sébastien Peytavie declares that he will not hesitate to ask for work, where then he will settle at the bottom, next to the ministers.

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