Sébastien Peytavie, deputy in a wheelchair who is determined not to be just a symbol

Nearly half of the 577 deputies elected last Sunday took their first steps in the National Assembly on Tuesday 21 June. Among them, Sébastien Peytavie, winner in the 4th constituency of Dordogne, is the first deputy in a wheelchair to enter the Palais-Bourbon.

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Sébastien Peytavie has been in a wheelchair since he was 3 years old and has postoperative complications. Following the legislative elections, like many other newly elected officials, he discovered the National Assembly: “It’s very impressive when you arrive and they call you ‘Mr. Deputy’.”

Photo session, then visit to the post office of the Assembly. He does not take the same path as the other deputies and goes through the facilities provided for people with disabilities. A few inclined planes for his wheelchair do not yet meet the standards, but some places have been adapted, such as the Assembly’s digital office.

Then Sébastien Peytavie finally enters the hemicycle thanks to a freight elevator. The opportunity to draw up an initial assessment of accessibility at the Palais-Bourbon: “The hemicycle is not accessible, except on the ground floor, next to the ministers. I am the first deputy in this situation, and therefore they are going to do work to install a voting box there.”

“There has never been a deputy in a wheelchair permanently, so this question has not been considered in the long term. But we see that there is the will to do it. So much the better! poses a big democratic problem.

Sébastien Peytavie, Nupes deputy of Dordogne

at franceinfo

He does not want to be reduced to the status of deputy in a wheelchair and intends to carry his favorite themes: ecological issues and social inequalities in particular. But he will not hide when it comes to discussing texts around disability. “I’ve been in this situation since I was three years old. Obviously it’s going to be a symbol for a lot of people, but it’s not going to be the only source of my struggles in the Assembly. But when there’s something on that side, I will be able to carry the voice of all those who are on the margins.”

He will not hesitate, in particular, to make his voice heard on the disabled adult allowance, “scandal”he said, to be corrected very quickly.

Sébastien Peytavie, first deputy in a wheelchair: report by Victor Dhollande

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