Sébastien (Love is in the meadow): First night with Karine, the farmer “in love”

At the start of the adventure Love is in the meadow, Sebastian invited to his place not one but two Karine ! A blonde and a brunette for whom he had hooked well during the speed-dating. But it was for the brunette that he finally fell in love, even having great difficulty in parting with her at the end of the stay on the farm. He also confessed after his departure to be certain to be “in love” of her. This first separation was ultimately only a lesser evil as their reunion broadcast on the screen this Monday, November 8, 2021 was filled with sparks.

It was in Paris that the 46-year-old lavender and cattle breeder joined Karine. Or a whole other world for the Ardéchois. As soon as he arrived, he found himself a little lost in public transport. But Sébastien was ready to do anything to find his beautiful and, it is clear that the distance did not change their feelings. The chemistry was even still palpable between them. Besides, they couldn’t help but cover themselves with kisses.

Karine introduced her darling to one of her passions, dance and more specifically salsa. First on the reserve, Sébastien finally got caught up in the game and almost enjoyed swaying his hips. An effort that made Karine very happy. After a beautiful evening and a first night for two rather cuddly as they have made it clear, Sébastien and Karine naturally planned on their future life together. Karine wants him to discover Paris as well as to her son and already imagines that the latter will be a “friend” with hers. They would then form a beautiful blended family.

Finally, the pretty brunette introduced an important person to Sébastien, namely his best friend. A meeting during which Sébastien still scored good points, thus confirming to Karine that they have found each other well. A flawless weekend!

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