The RN MP also convinced “that Éric Ciotti’s elected representatives will vote for a repeal of the pension reform”.
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“We are putting on the table the repeal of the pension reform which is desired by a majority of French people”argued on Friday September 13 on franceinfo Sébastien Chenu, National Rally MP for the North and vice-president of the party. If “The left does not want to vote for it, that means that they are prioritizing petty political mischief over the interests of the French people.”he assured, while the far-right party submitted to the National Assembly on Thursday its bill aimed at repealing the pension reform adopted with great difficulty in spring 2023, which provides for a postponement of the legal retirement age to 64. The text will be examined on October 31 as part of the “parliamentary niche” of the party.
A way of overtaking the left, which also wants to cancel this reform. The New Popular Front had promised to return to the reform during the legislative campaign. “I’m not trying to trap anyone.”defended the spokesman of the fiery party. “It just so happens that we are the first to be able to do this because we are the largest group that can submit texts”he added.
“The left, in its most absolute cynicism, will therefore be able to bang pots and pans, demonstrate, get Elisabeth Borne re-elected, and then not vote to repeal the pension reform because it’s happening in front of them. Is all that very serious and very respectful of the voters?”he said ironically.
Sébastien Chenu defended the idea of improving the fate reserved for “long careers” rather than a “only accounting logic”. “We always defend the same logic”explained the elected representative from the North: “If you work before the age of 20 and you have your 40 years of contributions, you may have to leave from the age of 60 and then progressively, up to 42 years of contributions from the age of 62”However, the RN still has to convince their allies in Ciott, since the leader of the Republicans was arguing at the time of the reform for a rise in the retirement age to 65.
“Allies are not clones”commented Sébastien Chenu. “Eric Ciotti also moved on this, particularly during the legislative campaign”he stressed. “I believe that, in the end, Eric Ciotti’s elected representatives will vote to repeal the pension reform,” he concluded.