“This postponement risks not calming the media storm” of which Sébastien Boueilh, the future president of the Incest Commission, claims to be a victim. The meeting was postponed indefinitely after the reshuffle.
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Sébastien Boueilh, the future president of Ciivise (Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children), “Sorry” Friday January 12 from France Culture “sine die postponement” of the first meeting of the new Commission scheduled for Monday January 15 due to the government reshuffle.
According to him, “this postponement risks not calming the media storm” of which he claims to be a victim. Sébastien Boueilh was to chair this first meeting, but as it is administratively attached to the State Secretariat for Children in this period of ministerial reshuffle, the Commission meeting is for the moment adjourned sine die. The team of the new Commission is “already constituted despite 12 resignations of the 20 expert members who were to be appointed this Monday as well as 20 substitutes”specified Sébastien Boueilh.
A priority on “male victims”
The founder of the association Colosse with Feet of Clay, which fights against violence against children in the field of sport, says he wants as a priority “create a national network to support victims (many reports of which go through his association) and wants to focus on male victims” (as he himself was), men are nevertheless a very small minority compared to all victims of childhood sexual abuse.
The future president of the Ciivise also explains that he has not yet signed his mission letter but that his missions will be broadened in order to reach everyone, and not just victims of incest, while intra-family violence concerns more than 80% of victims of childhood sexual abuse. It will be “to open up to cyber-pedocrime, prostitution of minors, violence between minors, sexual violence against children in care and victims of disabilities”.