At the Potager de Mélanie in Gaillères you will find all the vegetables of the moment for direct sale. Every week on her Facebook page Mélanie offers her quick and effective little recipes for eating good seasonal vegetables on a daily basis because eating well is healthy, so if you also make the local and circular economy work, you have everything good and it won’t necessarily cost you more.
Are we preparing a seasonal quiche?
It’s not always easy to find the recipe that goes well for this or that winter vegetable. When inspiration and ideas do not come, there is always the idea of the essential quiche! No need to complicate your life, Mélanie offers you to peel and cut your vegetables before mixing them with your quiche maker with why not crushed hazelnuts or even a few nuts or other nuts. A quiche mixture made of eggs, Gruyère cheese and fresh cream. All to place delicately on a beautiful homemade shortcrust pastry before baking at 180° for 30 to 40 minutes.
If you set your sights on a single vegetable such as butternut squash, which is still in season, think for example of butternut soufflé, which is simple to make and rather original. Mélanie fills you with ideas on her social networks.
Le Potager de Mélanie, a real place of relaxation and meeting
At Potager de Mélanie, people come to stock up on vegetables from Tuesday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 3 p.m. . And then if you want to give a hand to our farmer it will be with pleasure and it will give you a little exercise!