Seasonal allergies: 5 actions to adopt urgently!

Spring is synonymous with renewal… and allergies for some!

Indeed, it is in this season that the pollination period begins, and therefore allergic rhinitis, or otherwise called hay fever!

To prevent and treat an allergy, here are 5 simple and effective tips to implement now.

Did you know ? There are several pollens, more or less present depending on the period and region. In mainland France, several pollens have their own pollen calendar, such as ambrosia, grasses, birch or cypress.

Stay informed

You can be informed of the presence of pollen around your home thanks to different devices:

  • the “Pollen Alerts” mobile application;
  • the website of the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA);
  • the site of the association of sentinel pollinariums® of France;
  • the site of the Approved Air Quality Monitoring Association (AASQA) in your region.

Wash when you get home

When you get home, head for the shower! Indeed, pollen residues can be present on your clothes, your hair or even your skin.

Also try not to dry your clothes outside, to avoid bringing them home!

Did you know ? 25 to 30% of the population is allergic (Source: Inserm)

Ventilate your home

Every day, ventilate the rooms of your home for at least 10 minutes, preferably before sunrise and after sunset. Please ensure that no pollen enters your home during this time.

Avoid going to green spaces

We know that pollen is mostly present near green spaces. So avoid activities in forests, parks or gardens for a while!

Wear a mask or goggles

In case of overexposure, do not hesitate to bring protective glasses or FFP2 mask to protect yourself.

I am experiencing the symptoms… what should I do?

Sneezing attacks, nasal congestion, red eyes, headaches, skin rash… do you suffer from seasonal allergy symptoms? Know that allergy can benefit from prevention and care measures. Do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor, your pharmacist or an allergist.

Did you know ? Desensitization, or allergen immunotherapy (ITA), allows you to become tolerant of the responsible allergen. It consists of the administration, over a long period, of allergen extracts in progressive doses, so as to accustom your immune system to the substance.


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