Trumpet, French horn, trombone, transverse flute, oboe, clarinet. As a child, Anne Dorval touched, briefly, all the instruments. “What have I tried too?” Oh yes, later, I took drum lessons! » This will not be our only surprise.
Episode 2: Anne Dorval

The actress Anne Dorval with the podcast host Just between you and me, Dominic Tardif.
“As long as we want to surpass ourselves, let’s start now,” says Anne Dorval, who is both uncompromising with herself and empathetic towards others. From her beginnings in the theater to the international recognition of Xavier Dolan’s films, the actress recounts her unparalleled career in this interview, as flamboyant as it is introspective.
Three quotes from our interview
About his spat with Éric Zemmour in 2014
[Sur le plateau d’On n’est pas couché, le polémiste avait tenu des propos pour le moins étonnants sur l’homosexualité]
“Instead of losing my temper, what would have been good was for me to drop off, go and talk with him, and calmly say to him: “I would like to have a conversation with you, is that can we talk, can we go to lunch?” Because yes, his words stung me, for mothers, for the entire LGBTQ+ community, for all people who are not the same as others. »
About the presentation of Mommy at Cannes
“Quite honestly, I was drugged. I was so stalked before going up the stairs that Xavier [Dolan] gave me a small tablet, which he takes himself to calm down. But we don’t have the same weight, Xavier and I. And then I became way too cheerful. I remember the face of my daughter who was crying, who was completely emotional. It’s especially her face that I remember. But I don’t remember seeing the movie, anyway. »
About her love for her grandson
“It’s also excessive [que son amour pour ses enfants]. It’s the same love, but it materializes differently. I do things with my little Paul [2 ans] that I didn’t have time to do with my children, or that I did faster, or that I didn’t have the patience to do. When I’m with him, there’s nothing else that exists, I don’t even touch my phone. It’s just the two of us and we’re having a lot of fun. »
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