searches launched in “several dozen” nursing homes

Several searches were launched Tuesday morning in establishments of the private group Orpea, as part of the preliminary investigation for “institutional mistreatment”, indicated the parquet floor of Nanterre confirming information from Mediapart (paid item)
.Thirty” of establishments spread throughout the country are concerned according to franceinfo. These searches, carried out by the gendarmes of the Central Office for the fight against attacks on the environment and public health (OCLAESP), must be spread out “over several days” a source familiar with the matter told AFP.

“A good fifty complaints”

Justice received in the year 2022 “a good fifty complaints from families of patients” from Orpea. Lawyer Sarah Saldmann represents a large majority. “These searches are a good thing, it will perhaps shed light on certain possible actions that have not been identified so far.“, she told AFP.

Already on June 8, about fifteen searches had taken place
at the group’s headquarters in Puteaux in Hauts-de-Seine and in several of its fifteen regional departments as part of the investigation for “institutional abuse”but also in the context of other investigations, bearing alleged financial offences.

Orpea, present in 23 countries and which manages more than 350 establishments in France, has been in turmoil since the publication in January of the investigative book “Les Fossoyeurs”, written by journalist Victor Castanet.
He denounces a resident abusemisuse of public funds and shortcomings in personnel management.

At the end of two administrative investigations, the government had made a report to the justice. At the end of April, a two-part investigation, one for institutional abuse and the other for financial offences, was opened by the Nanterre prosecution. These investigations had been joined to an investigation already underway for breaches of labor law. At the same time, Orpea filed a complaint against X and a preliminary investigation was opened in mid-May, in particular for misuse of corporate assets.

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